What Are Printing Techniques?

john vick
3 min readJan 5, 2022


Custom Printed CBD Display Boxes: Reach For Greatness

CBD display boxes are an effective tool that can help you increase brand reach-out. Furthermore, displaying your products in attractive, high-quality, and robust packaging shows that you care about the customer’s experience. Thus, custom printed CBD display boxes can become your greatest tool for endearing customers and increase the likelihood of repeat sales.

This blog will take you through the various printing techniques that can help you make custom printed CBD display boxes. We will study the pros and cons of digital and offset printing and see which one suits your business.

Let’s get to it.

What Are Printing Techniques?

Printing techniques are tools that help you use your imagination and creativity to transform basic packaging solutions into walking billboards.

For instance, offset and digital printing are the most commonly used techniques. They offer a wide range of customization options: paper type, surface finish, color saturation levels, etc.

Offset Printing: The Traditional Way Of Printing

The standard printing method involves a metal plate engraved with the required design. Once the engraving is complete, it is coated with a photo-sensitive chemical.

After applying this chemical, light exposes and hardens it in certain areas. Here, these cured areas represent the non-printing part, while the exposed regions become the actual artwork/design that will be pressed onto your CBD display boxes.

In this method, the printing plate is mounted on a cylinder. It passes between a rubber roller and a metal roller. The rubber roller applies pressure while the inked image gets transferred onto your custom printed CBD display boxes in one go.

This entire process requires several plates for various colors to be used. After that, all the plates are aligned in a specific order to complete a full design.

The Pros And Cons Of Offset Printing

Offset printing offers incredible print quality. Furthermore, it is the most cost-effective printing technique for bulk volumes of cardboard CBD packaging. However, offset printing has its disadvantages, such as:

  • Requires more start-up costs than other techniques
  • The process requires a certain level of expertise
  • It takes a longer time to finish a printing job

Digital Printing: The New Age Way Of Printing

A printer or a group of printers converts your custom CBD display boxes design to an image using a computer in digital printing. The printers transfer this electronic file onto an inkjet cartridge.

The cartridges are filled with tiny particles- toner in the case of laser printers and ink droplets in the case of inkjet printers. These toner or ink particles stick to a cylinder and are transferred onto your custom printed CBD display boxes in one go.

The Pros And Cons Of Digital Printing

  • This technique is best for fast turnaround times.
  • It is cost-effective for small-scale orders of custom printed CBD display boxes
  • The initial investment is lower compared to offset printing
  • Color reproduction can be an issue

Which Printing Technique Should You Opt For?

To conclude, both printing techniques have their pros and cons. Before you decide, here’s a list of factors that may help:

  • Type of business
  • Budget
  • Target audience
  • Required volume
  • The tone of your CBD display boxes design

It is always best to opt for the technique that offers the most benefits with fewer limitations. Digital printing lets you get on with your job faster. At the same time, offset gives a higher print quality and better value for money for large-scale orders.



john vick
john vick

Written by john vick


John vick has been a rising name in the packaging industry for the last 1 years.

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